Sponsorship Benefits
Platinum Sponsorship
- Two free conference registrations
- Company’s name and logo promoted on the largest sign at the conference
- Place cards with logos represented at Thursday’s lunch tables
- Visual display of logo during conference breaks
- Opportunity to provide a company sponsored raffle prize for government attendees
- Company’s logo on the website
- Logo promotion on conference attendee mobile app
- Logo on conference t-shirt
- Opportunity to provide logo endorsed product in the conference swag bag
- Attendee list prior to conference
Gold Sponsorship
- One free conference registration
- Company’s name and logo promoted on a sign at the conference
- Company’s logo placed on the website
- Logo promotion on conference attendee mobile app
- Logo on conference t-shirt
- Opportunity to provide logo endorsed product in the conference swag bag
- Attendee list prior to conference
As a reminder, if your organization is planning a separate event for any GIOA attendees, please schedule your event so as not to conflict with our agenda. We schedule our evening events early to facilitate later corporate events. Also, please note the marketing material such as invitations and signage for your separate event may not use the name GIOA, GIOA’s logo, or Government Investment Officers Association.